June 23, 2016


Optical flicker, also defined as the rapid change in light source output over time, is present – to some degree – in nearly all light sources and if present at high level, may cause discomfort among users.
The free conference that UL propose OPTICAL FLICKER IN LED LIGHTING aims at marking an overview of the visual and not visual effects of flicker, of the dangers it represents for a lighting project and of the importance of the verification process of optical flicker percentage.

This event and all materials will be in Italian language


  • 09:00 – 09:30 Registration
  • 09:30 – 09:45 Welcome
    Roberto Inclinati – Global Business Development Manager, UL
  • 09:45 – 10:15 Flicker: visual and not visual effects
    Laura Bellia – Professor of Environmental Technical Physic, PhD
    Department of Industrial Engineering – University of Napoli Federico II
    President AIDI, territorial section of Campania
  • 10:15 – 10:45 Optical flicker and its risks during the design stage of a lighting project
    Pietro Palladino – Engineer, Studio Ferrara Palladino Associati
  • 10:45 – 11:00 Coffee Break
  • 11:00 – 11:30 Program of verification of optical flicker percentage– UL Verified Mark
    Roberto Inclinati – Global Business Development Manager, UL
    Walter Parmiani – Principal Designated Engineer for IEC standards, UL
  • 11:30 – 12:00 The importance of optical flicker verification in LED lighting products
    Giorgio Sottsass – Marketing Managing Director, Disano Illuminazione SPA
  • 12:00 – 12:30 Q&A
  • 12:30 – 13:30 Light Lunch

Participation to the conference is free.

Seminar content will be in Italian.

UL verified mark low optical flicker